Saturday, May 22, 2010

Composting Failure?

o.k. my composting won't work, over 3 years I have put layers of grass clippings , green waste, potato peelings and compost assist nutrients from packs from garden centres ,watered now and again, left in a council issue compost bin, on soil, with a lid on, at the bottom of my garden next to shrubs that thrive, no joy at all what am I doing wrong and how can I get the lovely crumbly stuff for my veg plot that seems to come easy to TV gardening programmes?

Composting Failure?
possibly too much grass. I know this sounds mad but try urinating on it. Its obviously putting nutrients into the ground as the shrubs look great.

Move it away from plants. Tip the whole lot out, and start again. Put some of the oldest stuff at the bottom but make sure you have some drainage underneath too if possible.

Put in one layer with compost powder and some screwed up newspaper, a couple of pieces shredded should do.

The put on another layer and repeat until full again. make sure lid is on tight and leave for a few months. I never water mine and its fine though full of beatles and worms ;0)
Reply:Agree with the "too much grass clippings" theory.

If you don't have a shreddder or enough shrubbery to bulk out the compost, then a bale of straw mixed in with the existing material in there may help aerate (%26amp; salvage) the mix. In my experience you need a good helping of 'brown/woody' waste to get a good compost.
Reply:You need to use a layer of newspapers in between the layers. This will stop it from becoming a soaking, rotting dump of squelch at the bottom of the bin. Unfold a newspaper in half and place it down, probably once a month, over the existing cuttings and such. You can also buy tubs of worms, which will help to break the compost down and recycle the whole bin.
Reply:I believe you need to stir it around from time to time to help it breathe.
Reply:i have a composter made from a wheely bin put some leaf mold in the bottom then start puting in your house hold waste tea bags any veg trimmings peelings weeds but not to many grass cuttings these create heat witch is bad then go to www.scottish worms and get a kilo of dendrobenas £25 inc postage mine is working great and i have a good supply of fishing bait as well have a look on there site it gives you an idea on what to put in and what not ( onions leeks and any citrus waste ) the worms eat there own body weight every day and breed every 3 weeks plus you can scrape out from the bottom and put on your garden make your plant grow hope this helps

regards compo
Reply:the first thing you need to do is to check the temprature in the middle of it....if it is not above 100F than you need add more things....leafs for an example....shreaded newspapers...secondly you have to stir the compost every other day...add some worms as the help with process and eat the bacteria from the food.....DO NOT URINATE on your compost...the pH level will be too high and your veggies will die if you add the compost to the soil....put in all of your kitchen waste....except meat and bones....I mean veggies, egg shells, things like that...potatoes peels takes a long time to break down...also it takes almost two years to get good need to add a second compost so you can use it every is not enough...check the there enough sun getting to the compsot...sun generates heat....keeping stirring and adding more may not be able to use it this year...but next year you might....also keep stiring in the colder months

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