Monday, May 17, 2010

Puffer fish figure 8 - fat tummies but very active?

I have 2 small (1 inch) puffer fish figure eight and are one of the most adorable fishes I've ever had. Although I have at least a 60cm tropical tank with some other fish (not more than 3). I take absolute care of water, and tank as well as fishes doing my homework 100% in order to make the best of my fishes. My puffers feed on Live food only, diet includes fresh plants, beefheart, mussels and other live food. Since buying my lovely fish they're developed beautiful colouration, and looks lively, healthy and very alert. But one thing I have not seen in many books or online is there tummies or if they 'puff' up. Both there little bellies are puffed and look almost pregnant, surely however i cant have two females that are pregnant! I bought them from a respected garden centre and from a huge tank of many puffer figure eights. My fish get on well with all there inmates, I have been taking close look and no nips. Any ideas?Any ideas where I can also find more info on puffa please?

Puffer fish figure 8 - fat tummies but very active?
Here is some more info about them

Hope that helps

Good luck

Reply:Im not sure whats happening but if your puffers look like this: that means you are overfeeding.
Reply:well if any thing you can put them in tuper waer and taake them 2 an expert fish stored and ask whats going on

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